We adhere to a whole school approach to promote positive behaviour. This approach has a strong emphasis on teaching appropriate behaviours and providing systems of support to bring about those positive behaviours.
Our School aims to provide a safe and supportive environment in which learning takes place. Our School Behaviour Management Policy takes into account the Anti Bullying and Discipline Policies.
Student Discipline practices are based on restorative principles and are respectful of the dignity, rights and fundamental freedom of individual students, and at the same time are focused on the effective running of the School for the benefit of all.
We recognise the importance of;
- Fostering the Christian values of justice, love and respect
- Encouraging collaboration between home and school
- Supporting student wellbeing
- Each child’s stage of development
- Care for self and others
- Maintaining a safe environment
- Awareness and respect for other cultures
- Restorative justice principles

Gifted & Talented
The enrichment and extension opportunities offered endeavour to ensure the needs of all students are met. At St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School, we believe that high potential learners are entitled to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities that acknowledge their learning needs, strengths, interests and goals.
Our Enrichment Program is designed to identify, support and extend high potential learners within a challenging, creative and nurturing environment.
Learning Support
St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School offers a range of targeted programs to support the individual needs of students including learning support and the development of English language skills.
We are committed to creating a personalised learning environment for each student so they develop a passion for learning and scholarship, a strong assurance of their own worth, and the desire and values to contribute meaningfully to their local and global communities.

St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School is committed to supporting students’ personal growth to increase their sense of self-worth and support their capacity to achieve.
The counselling service at the School is available for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 and works as part of a whole school team to support student development and take steps to ensure the wellbeing of each student.
At St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School we believe that the development of strong leadership skills begins in the early years.
Our guiding principles of Faith, Heritage and Education provide positive leadership behaviour in all students.

Sport Houses
At St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School we believe in uniting students through our School sport houses, and in providing opportunities for sport participation at all levels of skill.
Within the School, we have a four House system. Our sport houses are Edessa, Nineveh, Nisibis and Seleucia.